Sunday, July 10, 2011

Catching up with Posts/Short Blog History

       I bet you're wondering exactly who this guy is. This is a robot I rendered on a 3D program. I did it all by myself.

       I think I'll name him...Bob.
(By the way if Bob gets turned into a character and you make a lot of money I'm sorry but i have the right to sue you.)

      This is the old CuiGonz sign I actually posted it as the sign but nobody is following this so it was never seen. Until today...

This is a better version of the logo but CuiGo was already taken so we can't use it. Anton does'nt like it. I'm disappointed because I worked hard. If making it for an hour is considered working hard.

       Ahhh Engrish. I discovered this last year. Engrish rocks(in a funny way not like in a jejemon way).

        I'm going to have to say goodbye to this label and my title as the Supreme Ruler. My power is all gone! NOOO!


Anyway...this was a wierd post but it's over now.

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